Welcome to my website this is a work in progress and something that I wish to spend a long time on but please feel free to stick around.
I plan to add a blog for my thoughts and I want to use this site to share the things I care deeply about. Below is a quick about me.

About me!

Hi there my name is Greg, also known as the alias BingusMcgee. I value privacy and creativity. I enjoy sharing in others favourite pieces of art and creativity as well as sharing my own. It is a sense of connection I find a lot of a joy in as knowing peoples favourite pieces of media and art tells me a lot about what they enjoy and how they think. Simialrly I share the things I love because I want others to know what I am like. I also have a knack for finding just about every hobby under the sun and trying it for one week before dropping it completely. It is a very expensive habit and I need to stop sinking hundreds of dollars into hobbies before even trying them. I enjoy competitve fighting games and I am based in Australia. I try my best to help foster a local scene of other fighting game players so that not only can we develop a community but also cheer for each other at events. My girlfirend and I own two beautiful sphynx cats which I am very excited to show off on this website as she often takes very cute photos that she photoshops. I think thats enoughing telling, Ill show you the rest of what I'm like through this website. hopefully one day I can get rid of this section.

Updated email

the mailto has been updated as I have created an email just for this website

New Book Review!

Check out the writing section for a new book review, Just a quick one on a recent read of the King killer Chronicles


- Added this section!


- added Recommendations page